Responsible Wood Sourcing Policy
re.dwell is fully committed to the responsible use of forest resources used in our furniture. Over 75% of the materials used in our furniture are reclaimed and recycled lumber. This lumber is sourced from older buildings slated for demolition, thereby diverting these resources from the landfill. We also use local urban-harvested timber, diverting it from the landfill or chipper. When these options do not meet our requirements/clients' needs re.dwell will work with our suppliers on an ongoing basis to eliminate wood from unacceptable sources and to progressively increase the amount of responsible wood – wood from certified and recycled/reclaimed sources – procured over time. re.dwell recognizes the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) as an important tool to promote responsible forest management. We have a preference for sourcing FSC-certified wood for our furniture if it meets our requirements or when reclaimed wood/local wood is not an option. re.dwell is also firmly committed to avoiding wood from unacceptable sources including: • Illegally harvested or traded timber; • Timber harvested in violation of traditional or civil rights; • Timber harvested from areas in which high conservation values are threatened by poor forest management • Timber harvested from areas being converted from forests to plantations or non-forest use • Timber from forests in which genetically modified trees are planted Through this Policy, re.dwell seeks to set a positive example for our peers and to do our part to protect the world’s forests.
re.dwell is currently developing a tree planting program to help restore logged or damaged forest to further offset our wood usage and carbon footprint.
Wood Use Tracker 2022
Reclaimed Wood
Total Board Feet:
Board foot of reclaimed wood purchased or personally salvaged this year.
Locally Sourced
Third Party Certified
6000 BF
0 BF
New Lumber
Total Board Feet:
Board feet of new lumber purchased or milled this year.
Locally Sourced
FSC Certified
1082.5 BF
0 BF
Sheet Goods
Total Quantity:
Quantity of sheet goods purchased this year.
Quantity Locally Sourced
Quantity FSC Certified
1082.5 BF
0 BF